IUI In Bhopal

Intrauterine Insemination is a promising OPD procedure with pregnancy rate of 15-20% per cycle. It is indicated in anovulation, unilateral tubal disease, unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, cervical factor, mild male factor, HIV serodiscordant couples to name a few. Here Ovulation Induction is done usually with oral medication for 5 days and followed by ultrasound to monitor the follicle growth. Once the follicle matures, trigger injection is given and IUI planned 36-38 hrs later. Husband Semen sample is centrifuged to obtain a washed sample of which 0.5 ml is inseminated into uterine cavity under Ultrasound guidance. Donor Semen can also be used for cases where its indicated like azoospermic husband, widowed women wanting pregnancy and for genetic indications.

Let's Help You!

Bansal Hospital, Chuna Bhatti Road, Shahpura Lake, Shahpura, Bhopa

+91 86299 26613