PreImplantation genetic Testing by trophoectoderm biopsy is done on a day 5 embryo (blastocyst) for cases where couples are suspected to be at higher risk of having a baby affected by chromosomal or genetic abnormalities. It is done using laser and few cells are sent for genetic testing. It is of 3 main types. 1. PGT –A (Aneuploidy) - here all 23 pairs of chromosomes are assessed. Common trisomies like 13, 18, 21 and Monosomy X, 7 etc are sought. 2. PGT SR (structural Rearrangement) - here common chromosomal structural abnormalities like deletions, translocations, Inversions are evaluated 3. PGT M- here chromosomal abnormalities having monogenic cause like thalassemia, Sickle cell disease, BRCA mutation etc are assessed. PGT is followed by Frozen Embryo transfer once the report is available. It helps by increasing the Implantation rate, decreases the pregnancy loss rate and decreases chances of transmission of genetic diseases.